Based on recommendations from CDC / WI DHS / Public Health Madison & Dane County with regard to public safety and the COVID-19 Virus, Troop 155 has decided to postpone our March 15th, 2020 Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser until a later date, as yet to be determined. We will follow state and local government guidance and reschedule when deemed safe.
When we reschedule, we will make every effort to communicate the new date and time to our community. Check for updates on our website, our Facebook page Troop 155 FB, as well as local flyers and signage in and around Windsor.
If you have already purchased tickets to this event, please hold on to them. They will be honored at the rescheduled event. We appreciate your support!
Please reference the following links for information and resources on preventing the spread of COVID-19.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention