Boy Scouts live by the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the Outdoor Code. To help other people at all times and to be helpful are two of the core values that drive Scouts to perform service to the community in which they live.

Scouting For Food

Nationwide and each Spring, Scouts help others by canvassing their neighborhoods with a flyer instructing residents to place items out for collection the following weekend. Each year, Cub and Boy Scouts collect thousands of pounds items and deliver them to a local food pantry.

Individual Eagle Projects

The final requirement in earning the Eagle award is a final individual service project. Eagle Service Projects are typically an enduring improvement. Example projects include landscaping a public building, building a bridge at a park, or research and installing informational signage on a local hiking trail.

Volunteering In Our Community

Volunteering encourages youth to live scouting’s values – service to others, help others at all times, duty to country and community. It provides opportunities for scouts to earn service hours which they need for rank advancements. It makes our community and the environment better. These are some of the reasons that scouts are helpful.

In order to better enable connections between our willing volunteers and community and environmental groups, we’ve created an online form where requests for volunteer help can be submitted.

Troop 155 Volunteer Request Form

Please consider the following information when submitting your request:
– Scout troops are made up of youth between the ages of 11-18
– Some activities are limited by BSA’s Guide to Safe Scouting
– Please submit requests at least 6 weeks in advance of your event
– Requests will be reviewed and you can expect a response within about 2 weeks of submission
– Please note that we are not able to grant all requests received, but we’ll do our best to be helpful