Troop 155 to Run Brat Sale May 20, 2023

Hey der!

Windsor Scout Troop 155 will be grilling brats on May 20, 2023, 9 am – 2 pm at the DMB Windsor Neighborhood Center next to Windsor Breads Bakery & Coffeehouse.

Eating brats from Troop 155 will help us fundraise for cool trips like weekend campouts and high adventure trips. We’ve previously gone to Boundary Waters, Glacier National Park and the Porcupine Mountains. Come on over and watch for deer on the way. Tell your parents we says, “hi!” Don’t forget to ask for your free Dad Joke, given out for each combo plate.

As always, we invite all Scouts, Military, and First Responders in uniform to receive a free brat!

No advance ticket sales. Buy your brats “at the door.”In a gosh darn hurry? We will have a drive-through lane again on Windsor Street! We’ll take your order and deliver it to your car.

Like us and the Brat Sale event on Facebook for more details and updates!