Troop 155 Pancake Breakfast March 17th, 2019

All you can eat! Pancakes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Applesauce, Beverages.

Breakfast will be served at DMB Windsor Neighborhood Center 4438 Windsor Road, next to Windsor Breads.

Adults $7.00,
Children 5-11 years old and Senior Citizens, $5.00
Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts/Police/Fire/Military free if in uniform

Please buy your tickets in advance from a Scout, or at the door. If you own a business, consider sponsoring us with an ad on our placemat.

Donations will support scout activities.

For more information about joining Boy Scouts, visit or call Kelly Lawton, 608-628-8169 | Stuart Rogers, 317-709-1176.