As we often say, Boy Scouts are boy-run. Troop 155 Scouts will be holding an election to fill positions that help the Troop operate. If you are nominated for a position, you should be familiar with its duties and responsibilities. If you only have a basic understanding, we suggest that you read the position descriptions here:
Holding a troop leadership position is not ceremonial. These positions are important in running an active troop. Each scout is expected to do their best in actively fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of the position for which they were elected. It is the responsibility of the ASPL – Assistant Senior Patrol Leader to oversee many of the scout-led positions.
Below is an organizational chart; a chart that helps everyone understand who reports to whom and the positions that troop maintains. If you have questions, you should begin by asking
Finally, as an elected scout holding a position, you are required to attend the Leadership Training on 3/9/2019. Signup here: