We’re Back! 2021 Troop 155 Fall Pancake Breakfast – Fundraiser

The Village of Windsor’s WindsorFest is back, and so is Troop 155’s Pancake Breakfast!

Breakfast will be served at Windsor Fireman’s Park in the music tent.

Check out the schedule: https://www.windsorwi.gov/index.asp…

Windsor Troop 155 is kicking off the event with a breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs, and applesauce. We hope that you’ll bring your family to Windsor Firemen’s Park on Saturday morning, September 25th.

Come see the largest pancake griddle in Dane County! 😉


  • September 25, 2021
  • 8:00 AM-12:00 PM CT
  • Adult tickets: $9.00
  • Children: 5-11 years old and Senior Citizens: $7.00
  • Cub Scouts/Boy Scouts/Police/Fire/Military in uniform are FREE
  • Carry out or Dine outdoors at the Park
  • Please buy your tickets at the music tent where the event is held

This fundraiser supports Troop activities like camping, a week-long summer camp, and high adventure backcountry trips (e.g Boundary Waters, Philmont Scout Ranch, Yellowstone National Park.)

For more information about joining Boy Scouts, visit www.t155.org or call Scoutmaster Michael Isaacson, 608-213-8381, or Tracey Kriesler at 608-513-6052 | traceykriesler1@yahoo.com.

Special thanks to Chr. Hansen, Village of Windsor, and DeForest Windsor Area Chamber of Commerce!